Friday, February 5, 2010

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut macaroons are a great way to spice up your dessert life! It is a classic sweet soft cookie rich in coconut flavor with a crisp exterior and soft chewy center. These macaroons are easy and fast to make. It took me a few tries to adjust all the ingredients to my taste. Many recipes suggest using sweet condensed milk. I, however, try to avoid such calorie rich ingredients.  This particular recipe yields extremely tasty and not too sweet  macaroons, which I am sure I will be making lots more of  in the future.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Whole-Wheat Apple-Cranberry Pie

From time to time after dinner we find ourselves wondering in the kitchen looking for something delicious to eat. Such days call for some apple-cranberry pie action. This rich in fiber, light, and tasty pie always satisfies us. Moreover, this desert is easy to make, does not take too much time to prepare, and best of all, it leaves room for variation. For instance, this pie can be made with peaches, nectarines, walnuts, or poppy seeds. We, however, love the sweet and sour combination of apples and cranberries and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chicken Soup with Egg Shreds

What is better than hot chicken soup when it is cold and snowy outside? This particular chicken soup is one of the favorite dishes in my family because it is rich in flavor, it is filling but at the same time not heavy and most importantly it is quick and easy to make. My recipe emerged after adopting some ideas from one of my favorite Italian Cookbooks written by Gabriella Mariotti (The Italian Kitchen.) The great thing about it, as Gabriella Mariotti points out, is you can add a variety of extra ingredients to accommodate your taste. For instance, you can add some vermicelli, mushrooms or even shrimps. However, Nick and I love the chicken flavor this particular soup brings out so here it comes...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Crème Caramel (diet) - Крем Карамел (диетичен)

This is one of the times when оur brains compete with themselves. The left side wants us to lose weight, the right side feels like having Crème Caramel. So we developed a diet version of the recipe originally provided by Ivan Zvezdev (ISBN: 9549428052). We lowered the number of eggs and the amount of sugar he uses, and used 1% fat milk instead of whole milk. The recipe is provided below (in the 'read more'), together with the calorie count of both the diet and the original version of the recipe. We believe any further trimming of calories will make the creme caramel taste like tofu, but maybe you can invent the recepie of `Tofu Caramel' if you feel so :-). This recipe is a work in progress. We will add any delicious modifications as we experiment with such over time.

Днес мозъкът ми се състезава със себе си. Лявата страна иска да отслабна, а дясната да хапне Крем Карамел. Та ние създадохме диетична версия на рецептата на Иван Звездев (ISBN: 9549428052). Намалихме броят яица и количеството захар, както и използвахме 1% масленост мляко вместо пълномаслено мляко. Рецептата в детайли е поместена по долу (клик на 'read more'), заедно със броят калории на диетичната и оригиналната рецепта. Вярваме, че допълнително намаляване на калориите ще доведе до крем карамел който е с вкус на тофу, но при достатъчно желание спокойно може да изобретите рецептата за "Тофу Карамел", с която да спечелите местното състезание по кулинария. Рецептата е в прогрес на разработка и във времето ние ще добавяме всякакви вкусни модификации след като експерементираме с такива.

Это один из тех моментов, когда мозг спорит сам с собой. Левая сторона за то, чтобы похудеть, а правая хочет отведать Крем Карамель. Мы подумали и решили разработать диетическую версию десерта для основы которого мы использовали рецепт Ивана Звездева (ISBN: 9549428052). Мы уменьшили количество яиц и сахара, а так же использовали 1% молоко вместо цельного. Рецепт в деталях можно найти ниже (нажмите на 'read more') вместе с таблицей калорийности. Мы думаем что понизить калорийность этого замечательного десерта еще сильнее невозможно, так как он приобретет вкус тoфу. Возможно кто-то захочет поэкспериментировать и изобрести "Тофу Карамель"-все в ваших руках. В свою очередь со временем мы постараемся поэкспериментировать с ингредиентами и усовершенствовать наш рецепт.

Recipe follows